Sophie Watkins #3 Nips always out, dust up her snout, Z-lister mates and gangster dates

Maybe he’d behave a bit better if he was strapped in a car seat.


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Maybe he’d behave a bit better if he was strapped in a car seat.
He's got no car seat, strapped in the front I am lost for words. There's a real reason why childseat laws have tightened over the years and it's to protect the child not for profit. If I was Kal I'd be fuming, she really is risking his life or putting him at risk of serious injury. Why do her friends and family not call her out? I'm sp angry but I'm sure she'll just call me a fat Karen for ranting about it.
It’s the fact she’s so brazen about it. Not even arsed about repeatedly posting pics them poor kids in danger. If I’d put that, my mam would be to ringing me to take it off 😂 but not Col, she’s inherited the tit parent gene alright.
Not been on social media, but posts consistently 🥴 again with the car seats, she’s a woman. Can find the cash for a trip to London with your ex con fella but can’t find the cash to keep your kids safe.
Anyone else think David has a new girlfriend? Girl in the white shirt/black top over, looks similar to Lauren on Sophie’s and Brads stories but don’t think it’s her! Lauren still has pics of them both on her insta though !
Just thinking this….. is it Lauren or not? Can’t tell. They all seem to be following Lauren again and she follows them. Looks like her but doesn’t.

Anyone else think David has a new girlfriend? Girl in the white shirt/black top over, looks similar to Lauren on Sophie’s and Brads stories but don’t think it’s her! Lauren still has pics of them both on her insta though !