VIP Member
Yup lol. I actually went back to look at it again thinking , she can’t be real ?? Deleted ! Probably sits on here 24/7 and lets us guide her .Has this been deleted?
Yup lol. I actually went back to look at it again thinking , she can’t be real ?? Deleted ! Probably sits on here 24/7 and lets us guide her .Has this been deleted?
My brother is a Dentist on the Gold Coast and knows papi. Papi's first marriage ended and he was distraught. It was his wife who ended it, not him. He is wealthy in appearance, but has a tit LOAD OF DEBT.. He and his ex wife were on Very good terms untill Sophie entered and now they don't even speak. Very few ppl like Sophie on the Gold Coast and have tried to warn him.. "she saw dollar signs mate." Dentists on the Gold Coast all know each other (it's actually a pretty small Dentist community) and are all pretty concerned about how all this has turned out. She knows Papi through his brother who was Mr Universe (or something like that) But Papi was actually a shy, quiet, dorky guy. And Sophie literally latched onto him.. with hooks and wouldn't let him go. She is not liked by any of his staff - his dental assistants attend education conferences / weekends with my brother's Dental Assistants. She constantly calls the him. Constantly calls the workplace. Turns up unannounced. Acts like she runs the show. Gives unsolicited dietary advice to staff. His staff LOATHE HER.
I just can’t imagine what her already troubled , 15 YEAR OLD must be thinking with mum running her titties all over the gram like a bleeping baboon.I think she took it down because her whole boob was out
Don’t forget she bought up abortions the other day too ! Maybe it was on the cards and she guilted him into having the kid.She does not look pregnant at all, she looked way bigger at wedding. This is really fucked up random thought but I wonder if she was preg realised he would resent her and went and got a secret abortion only to milk a miscarriage for content a few weeks down the road. She is a bleeping mess I could actually imagine her doing something like this.
Thankyou for the early Chrissy present!My brother is a Dentist on the Gold Coast and knows papi. Papi's first marriage ended and he was distraught. It was his wife who ended it, not him. He is wealthy in appearance, but has a tit LOAD OF DEBT.. He and his ex wife were on Very good terms untill Sophie entered and now they don't even speak. Very few ppl like Sophie on the Gold Coast and have tried to warn him.. "she saw dollar signs mate." Dentists on the Gold Coast all know each other (it's actually a pretty small Dentist community) and are all pretty concerned about how all this has turned out. She knows Papi through his brother who was Mr Universe (or something like that) But Papi was actually a shy, quiet, dorky guy. And Sophie literally latched onto him.. with hooks and wouldn't let him go. She is not liked by any of his staff - his dental assistants attend education conferences / weekends with my brother's Dental Assistants. She constantly calls the him. Constantly calls the workplace. Turns up unannounced. Acts like she runs the show. Gives unsolicited dietary advice to staff. His staff LOATHE HER.
What was she actually doing in the video, what was the joke? I don’t get it and I watched a few times.I think she took it down because her whole boob was out
How does one know it’s hisDon’t forget she bought up abortions the other day too ! Maybe it was on the cards and she guilted him into having the kid.
Totally agree …. I remember seeing in a few of her lives before the wedding she was wearing a wedding ringI think they actually eloped in Spain post engagement and made that trip their ‘honeymoon’ in reverse… and then had the small ceremony with family and friends in Byron. That’s the only thing that makes logical sense based on all her baiting and crumbs of information.
It looks like she deleted it ?What the hell is this.. what is she doing?
I agree I clocked on her post Europe podcast she said "our wedding venue" like a slip on the tongue but I think they got married there and she probably did get pregnant around that trip too. She's just utterly full of tit. Then she would have come home and told the kids they got married and kai probably lost his titI think they actually eloped in Spain post engagement and made that trip their ‘honeymoon’ in reverse… and then had the small ceremony with family and friends in Byron. That’s the only thing that makes logical sense based on all her baiting and crumbs of information.
I know this is a small bit of your post but doesn’t SG know him via their older kids going to the same school in the GC? And also them being each other’s plus one to events for YEARS lol).My brother is a Dentist on the Gold Coast and knows papi. Papi's first marriage ended and he was distraught. It was his wife who ended it, not him. He is wealthy in appearance, but has a tit LOAD OF DEBT.. He and his ex wife were on Very good terms untill Sophie entered and now they don't even speak. Very few ppl like Sophie on the Gold Coast and have tried to warn him.. "she saw dollar signs mate." Dentists on the Gold Coast all know each other (it's actually a pretty small Dentist community) and are all pretty concerned about how all this has turned out. She knows Papi through his brother who was Mr Universe (or something like that) But Papi was actually a shy, quiet, dorky guy. And Sophie literally latched onto him.. with hooks and wouldn't let him go. She is not liked by any of his staff - his dental assistants attend education conferences / weekends with my brother's Dental Assistants. She constantly calls the him. Constantly calls the workplace. Turns up unannounced. Acts like she runs the show. Gives unsolicited dietary advice to staff. His staff LOATHE HER.
Don’t forget the best interior designer for the penthouse nursery, soooo many opportunities for free tit. Maybe she can sucker someone into replacing the penty’s hideous green tiles.Cue the insta mum club lines.
I've got HG.
What's the too 10 best baby items (send me free tit)
Best baby clothes (send ne free tit)
Best sleep consultant
Best live in nanny