All Beige Everything
Chatty Member
You’re so right…her post seems passive aggressive (what’s new?)! Selling basic items to people who don’t know much about makeup…so they won’t care it’s crappy quality? Bizarre strategy as usual from our sloppy bajama boss babe.So her major Izuzu pivot is to sell basic make up to basic witches?
Looks like the attempt at being the goto, inclusive brand for the LGBTQI community has been shelved and she’s slowly realised her only demographic are sad losers who still think she’s great. Banking on 1% of her byjama witches feeling inspired by that hack of a photo shop attempt and buying some crappy lipstick and foundation..
Look forward to the terrible make up tutorials in which she constantly yawns and smears snot all over herself…
Also, why does anyone buying your make up care who your “team” are?? Obviously something major has gone down with more than just Mia if she feels the need to mention this in the big launch announcement. God she’s trash