Didn’t get a student loan or know anything really about them...can I ask something?
I noticed earlier someone said in a comment that Sophie is getting away with not repaying her student loan as she’s not held down a job for more than a half day. Is that true?
If so then I wouldn’t compare with the rest of ye who went on holiday on yours but are still paying it back out of your wages.
(That wasn’t a brag, I’m not a little rich kid far from it
I’m in Ireland and don’t think that student loans are a thing over here, or not that I know of anyway. When I did 3rd level it was a one year intensive course as my mum couldn’t afford to support us through college and I lived at home. There are grants which people on low income can get now. I’m currently saving away a portion of my wage every payday and have been for the last couple of years so that there’s a tidy sum there ready for if my son wants to go to college when he’s grown up. I want him to have opportunities that I’d have loved but couldn’t have)