Why is this woman selling cosmetics? Aren’t you supposed to sell things you wear or use or believe in? Yet she will do anything to make a few quid. She never ever ever wears any kind of make up day to day Or ever spoke about it before this company. Embarrassing! Be Perfect or whatever they are called must know this but are just using her to flog to her minions. Followed up by a join my mlm story. So selling and fleecing people all day. Preying on people who need money for Xmas. Nobody is buying this crap, Sofa. Get an actual real job. No mention of eeyore for weeks, maybe he too got sick of her always right attitude
She’s lost so much credibility I think since she started the mlm stuff, people had respect for her before. Her engagement was high. Now her account is just like any other on instagram, selling constantly. Nobody cares