Her kid is a bloody toddler who’s watching him whilst she’s at that weirdos house? I did some major stalking and went onto her baby daddy’s Facebook, it looks like she doesn’t let him see the kid he’s posted about it a few times
I wish I could put it on my cv I have good stalking skills I found her fb through one of her friends and then went onto her likes of her baby scan and he was there lol. You just need to know where to lookhow did you find out who he even is? That’s some serious stalking skills haha
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Can we all see this!!! She’s amazing! I knew it.
I’m on his profile. Don’t worry I’ll feed back guys.
What’s his backup account? Is it not private?That turkey teeth tony needs a boot,, just went for a look at his back up profile.
The carry on of these two grown men is disgusting, and if anyone calls them out they are a ‘hater’. This jealous hater bs, no one is jealous of you my darlings.
I would happily give up the internet if by losing it meant these groomers lost their platform.
as this thread is getting a lot of attention I encourage people to report the accounts, it won’t stop them but it may deter them a little bit.
and if any of their friends or family be chance read this, please take the initiative to stage an intervention before this goes too far.
but someone needs to say to danielle. this is all speculation here. it’s not enough to tell people to read what’s being posted here. danielle you could stop other people from being manipulated by paul by making a statement yourself or with the other mods. this is speculation. you know the real life tit.
Tbh even though she does seem like a damp sponge, I understand her getting pissed at the kid comment as he’s got a rare disorder, something about not being able to turn protein into nutrients? So I’d be pissed too tbf. However, saying that if you’re gonna get with someone like that you know people are gonna say stuff. Still, I kinda get her frustration… she needs to get rid of Predator Pauly!Bloody hell she’s boring af. They’re on live and she just sits there looking at herself lol
Oooooo someone mention her kid just now on a live. I missed it but she is fuming. Made Paul come off live. Tik tok going to Ruin their relationship. That’s what you get for being with a absolute twit and meeting people through TT
All his old mods have major dirt on him
That’s what. They’ve said it. Wish they’d come on here and join us.
I called it. Thinking he’s this hotshot, ultra powerful ladykiller because he’s got a new gf. It’s actually really sad.I've just been watching his live with his new gf. He's already acting differently, it's like watching a child show off at a birthday party. So cringe.
We’re going to need a screen recording hereAnyone seen the recent video? What’s that about? Talking about his ex mods and the police.
ooof you got some dangerous skills… I like itI wish I could put it on my cv I have good stalking skills I found her fb through one of her friends and then went onto her likes of her baby scan and he was there lol. You just need to know where to look
Can’t talk to the police when there are thousands. Literally thousands of people against himAnyone seen the recent video? What’s that about? Talking about his ex mods and the police.
I got the same feeling from that video too. I sort of believed him. Also, when you think about it, everything now adds up. His new gf is obviously recently broken up. All her vids are about her ex. His recent ‘current partner being boring’ messages to join the live now make sense. He was literally luring her away.Private again yeah - in the space of 20 minutes as I had been looking at his videos on my break.
That comment to his new lady shows exactly his personality. She won’t be long telling him where to go. The actual audacity of him.
He tries to make out his account is a ‘ safe space’ for people when they are feeling down, or anxious. Mate, a public entertainment app is not a safe space, if anyone is feeling in any way low or vulnerable, I would encourage them to take a break from social media and talk to those around them who they trust.
Also, at the risk of sounding nuts, but behaviour analysis really is my thing, the video he did yonks ago with connie where it’s Ross and Rachel from friends and he is acting the Ross side, his over the top acting is I believe a glimpse into his personality.