Everyone knows that I made videos on Breach. I already had a few hundred followers because of that Taylor Swift TikTok and then all of a sudden I was getting hundreds, if not thousands of likes basically saying I’m right and that I’ve done great to call him out (back before Boo and Quirky and before it was chasing likes). And for a while you get hooked on the cheap validation you’re receiving from it, it feels good to know people are agreeing with you. Then I made one too many videos and my backlash started, I hated it and deleted all of my videos. Not hid, deleted. I didn’t want anything besides Tattle to do with Breach and don’t watch him much anymore.
Basically the meaning of this is that I can understand how someone like Boo is getting carried away because of the validation, she’s had constant people and minions on Reddit telling her how great she is for months, but like Breach you put yourself online and you can be criticised. She’s in the stage of inserting herself into every bit of Paul drama to stay relevant and I saw a TikTok earlier that was just silly to post by her, some ‘walking into court scenario’. Boo needs to decide who she wants to be online - a massive side character who inserts herself into his drama or an advocate for good and for women who have been in controlling relationships, because she could be so so good with some training and knowledge on it! I just feel like she’s chasing infamy now, and she’ll deactivate again when she’s criticised.
Ps. Sorry for the long post!