In 2 years he’s gone from having Relationship, a child, then his own (actually quite nice) flat and a job to January 2023, no Job, no friends, no relationship, nowhere to live, not a single thing to call his own except a phone and some foisty hoodies, kicked out of an entire village by his family and being potentially in a Half Way House or Crisis Facility, putting aside the obvious wrongness of his life, essentially he’s ruined his own entire life and future for the sake of Tik Tok, he will end up an absolute down and out, no one will employ him, it would take 2 minutes online to realise he’s not worth the hassle, no landlord will want him as a Tennent as it will bring too much trouble and chaos to the Landlord’s property, he’s going to end up in a Tiny bedsit paying to stay each day he’s there if he’s lucky