Paul to reiterate what others have said on here I don't give two fucks that it's your birthday, clearly nobody else does either because you can put on this persona all you like but we see through it, you're a sad pathetic lonely middle aged man. You have no friends because nobody wants to put up with the bullshit that is you, nobody wants to be associated with someone who time and time again is outing himself without any help from us as a n and nobody wants to be as much as a laughing stock as you are.
Your dad enables you and doesn't call you out on your tit because he's probably trapped in his own grief for your mum who you so coldly can't even recall her anniversary. He's had to spend the last 20 or so years doing his best to raise you and your brother and deal with his grief and that's not me making excuses for him because I'm not. He might be a tit dad, he might be the reason you're so bleeping fucked up in the head but he's still responsible for you because right now you're living with him again, scrounging off a pensioner whilst you do nothing all day but make pathetic videos that you use to draw in young vulnerable women.
If you were my son in fact most of ours son or any kind of relation not one of us would sit back and let you act the way you do because we don't stand for that and that's what you can't stand. You hate that we've become a close knit community on here, most of us don't know who we're talking to but we connect we talk about stuff that's personal, not for ammo for the likes of you but because through each other we've found people who are there for each other and who support each other when things get too much or we're going through something. That's something the likes of you will never understand or comprehend. Because you've never had friendships or any kind of relationship that isn't based on you and your narcissism. Whereas here, we're a family. We lift each other up and help each other.
So if you think just because it's your birthday we'll ignore your idle threats, think again. You weasley pathetic excuse for a man. Get this straight into your thick skull. You come for one, you come for all. You threaten any of us, you threaten us all and there are far more of us than there are of you. You have Turbo Tina but we have each other. So carry on with your threats of exposing one of ours and we'll see what we're capable of ey!! You have far more to lose than any of us after all, we come with receipts of your pattern of behaviour. The slut shaming, the inappropriate fixation of young women's love lives, your history of relationships with underage girls, want me to go on? You really think even your dad would protect you when it all comes out and the whole world knows that Paul Breach is nothing but a creepy narcissistic n. Think again hamhead. So if I were you I'd rethink even so much as alluding to knowing who any of us are because it won't end well for you. You'll never work again for one and for two every single person will know who you are and what you are.
So happy birthday Paul if I were you I'd go blow out your candles and make a wish because your time is slowly running out. Your next birthday will be behind bars if you're not careful matey.