Now, I am not a criminal analyst (although it does interest me) nor am I a psychiatrist but he has all the markings of a psychopath. Now, psychopaths are pathological liars and how many times have we all caught Paul out in one of his web of lies. Psychopaths tell lies to look good, get out of trouble or to cover up previous lies. When challenged, they change their story and rework facts to fit a situation. Remind you of anyone?
Psychopaths also have an inflated view of themselves. Paul is so far up his own arse its ridiculous. He goes on like he is tit hot and has a lot to bring to the table when we all know he doesn’t have a pot to piss in. They are manipulative and Paul is forever manipulating and gaslighting people. The lack of remorse in psychos is another thing – and Paul doesn’t have any remorse and has a serious lack of empathy - Like that time that girl said she’d lost her baby in his live chat on Instagram and he didn’t even bat an eyelid. He rationalises his behaviour and blames other people. Psychos don’t show emotion unless it gets them what they want, so when Sophie was on live last night, she said she never came out sooner about it all because he would play victim and make out like he was depressed and she was worried it would push him over the edge.
The parasitic lifestyle – sponging off anyone that will allow it. Telling lies about jobs or money coming in, telling lies that he’s the victim and that’s why he cant do things. Takes advantage of the kindness of others and depends on them financially. Using people for whatever they can get, regardless of the other peoples feelings. See how quick he tried to move in on Sophie, Week 1 he was emptying out her cupboards, week 2 he’s declaring his love for her. All to get her where he wants her.
Promiscuous sexual behaviour – Liking girls that are under 25. When he’s 42.
Lack of realistic, long-term goals – I mean, Paul is 42, what is he even doing with his life apart from leeching off his dad and trowling the internet looking for his next victim? Many poor relationships because they get involved with people because of the benefits they get from it, such as living rent free, meals every day, etc. But their behaviour inevitably catches up with them and their partners end up seeing them for what they really are and leaving them… now look at how his last few relationships have lasted.
Paul is manipulative, dishonest, narcissistic, unremorseful, lacks empathy and is exploitive. All the things that a psychopath is. The scabs along his knuckles means he cant control his anger either. The threatening to unlive himself every time tit goes south and he cant change the narrative back to him.
Paul will never change because he doesn’t see anything wrong with his behaviour. Therapy wont work because with therapy, it’s a choice. You go there because you want to work through your issues, but he thinks his fine so it would be pointless. We just have to keep watching, and waiting for him to slip up. Because he will. His head is so far up his own arse, I bet he thinks he can do and act like anything and get away with it. He puts everything out on the internet for all to see, and turns off comments so people cant say what they think. He lives in his own bubble, with his own narrative and no one can tell him otherwise. Even if they seen him in the street & told him about him, he’d still find a way to twist it round so he’s the victim.
He is a danger to society. He is a danger to women and girls and is a danger to his son. He has a serious lack of respect for women. He gives me incel vibes. I think the reason why he doesn’t want to date an older woman is yes because they are more mature and would never put up with his tit, but also because a woman in her 30s is going to have a bit more of a history in terms of sexual partners and such and he wants someone brand new. A virgin, with no life experience so they cant compare him. Someone who’s never had her first relationship would be ideal because in his head, they’d know no different and he could be his true self.
Anyway, sorry for the long ass post. I love a bit of analysing on a Monday morning!
Hi x