
Is she serious?! You should never ever smack a child no matter how challenging they're being! Especially a child who doesn't understand that what he is doing is wrong. The teacher is doing her job, if she sees that kind of behaviour by a parent she MUST log it and report it to safeguard the child. How does that teacher know that he isn't smacked regularly? That's why she does it 🙄 we all lose our tempers, trust me I've lost my temper being sleep deprived with a newborn but I would never ever think of laying a hand on him 😪 doing something like that not only fucks a child up but it sends the wrong message in terms of what is right for them to expect off their future partners etc. It leads to them possibly being abused.
Is she serious?! You should never ever smack a child no matter how challenging they're being! Especially a child who doesn't understand that what he is doing is wrong. The teacher is doing her job, if she sees that kind of behaviour by a parent she MUST log it and report it to safeguard the child. How does that teacher know that he isn't smacked regularly? That's why she does it 🙄 we all lose our tempers, trust me I've lost my temper being sleep deprived with a newborn but I would never ever think of laying a hand on him 😪 doing something like that not only fucks a child up but it sends the wrong message in terms of what is right for them to expect off their future partners etc. It leads to them possibly being abused.
I have never smacked my child, he gets 'the look' which makes him cry 🤣 stops him being naughty though
She tries to justify it with the whole he hits me and leaves scars etc. That no one cares when he does that to her... 🙄 Just. No. Words.
Disgusting, really. He doesn't understand why he's doing this but she hasn't got those learning disabilities and she's a grown adult, she's meant to be his carer, his mother but she's an abuser
She doesn't give two shits about them. The bathroom that is apparently for Layton is not suitable for when he's older, when he's too heavy to lift into the bath.

This!! She's put up that crying post complaining about how her back is wrecked but she has to lift him in and out of the bath, especially when he's slippery which would require more effort. Did she duck get that bathroom for him 🙄 if she did it would be a wet room with a walk in shower...
This!! She's put up that crying post complaining about how her back is wrecked but she has to lift him in and out of the bath, especially when he's slippery which would require more effort. Did she duck get that bathroom for him 🙄 if she did it would be a wet room with a walk in shower...
It looks the bleeping same as before