She constantly seems to be on a diet or trying to lose weight - thought she was happy with her body?
also, he seems to be in great shape - astounds me given how much oil he consumes. He's either woking out all the time or his body is accustomed to having so many calories. Jess on the other hand is piling the weight on because she isn't used to the African diet - she's frantically trying to undo the damage made by the jolof rice by going to the gym! It's a vicious cycle. Jess - doing a few leg presses and lunges/squats at the gym isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference to your weight! And don't get me started on the pre-workout drinks!!!!
Those drinks are for athletes and people who ACTUALLY work out, not just pissing around, half arsed efforts and taking photos. Here's a thing, you don't just lose weight or make a difference to your body by simply 'going to the gym' you need to work your arse off whilst you're there!
I have a friend that goes to the gym EVERY day or night (depending on her shifts) and she eats whatever she likes - she's in amazing shape!! But it takes hard work, it's not meant to be easy - and if you're finding it easy then you're not doing it right.
Always makes me laugh when she vlogs from the car after she's just 'done her workout' and is just a little pink in the face - she's not doing anywhere near enough in the gym to counteract all the calories she's consuming.
You'd think E would be able to keep her right with regards to fitness - but I imagine he will be quite happy with her being fat, easier to control with low self esteem. I think I read somewhere that African men prefer fat women anyway.