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Yeah one bed and bathroom upstairs the lounge and kitchen down.Is it just a one bed house? I can’t remember seeing any other rooms
Yeah one bed and bathroom upstairs the lounge and kitchen down.Is it just a one bed house? I can’t remember seeing any other rooms
Yes it isIs it just a one bed house? I can’t remember seeing any other rooms
I think she should go dark again it looked soooo much better on those throw back pics she posted not long agoHer hair always looks tit and it’s pointless paying for extensions and and the maintenance of them if the hair is tied up 90% of the time.
She‘s also annoying how she’s always banging on about pre workout and protein shakes but doesn’t actually follow a proper gym plan. It’s so pointless. goes as and when she feels like it, which isn’t very often and then comes home and stuffs her face with calorofic oily foods and huge portions.
It's so so petty but really irritates me that the bed is against the wall. What happens when one of them closest to the wall needs to get up for the loo?
I thought the same.On insta there cleaning that manky carpet full of cat sick again- they both have jobs plus her YouTube money- for the love of god replace the carpet!
Another boring home vlog, so nothing new there !
Stop with the hair extensions they are wrecking her hair, it looks so dry and fried again, if she wants to add length then just use Halo extensions when you are doing something special.
Don’t get me started on her ‘tidying’… how about actually deep clean things, especially the bedroom, they’re in dire need of a new headboard without fabric so it doesn’t keep absorbing hair oils, and some new pillows the ones on the bed look flat and offer no support ( I buy new pillows about every 4-6 months)
She’s in her element ordering lots of engagement party tat.
Agreed, hard to believe she is only 30.All that skincare and she still looks 45
Her house must absolutely stink with all the cat puke in the carpet and the fried african cow skin slop cooking she does.
Her hair looks terrible! Looks so thin and fragile - that's years of abuse and will take a LONG time to go back to being healthy.Showing off her hair, that's apparently really long now - am Missing something? I still think her hair is quite damaged
She looks so much older that her age. How does she manage to looks so frumpy? It's a talent in itself I'm telling youAgreed, hard to believe she is only 30.