Sir Keir Starmer #2

The point people seem to miss about the pensioners is that the pension isn’t supposed to simply keep them from freezing to death…it’s supposed to provide a sensible standard of living i.e. have some “spare cash”. That includes things like going out to coffee shops, buying plants for the garden and having sky tv…because otherwise what is a retired person supposed to do all day…just stare at the walls?

A person of working age claiming benefits is for the purpose of supporting them until they can support themselves. That is the part of the system that is broken. These are the people who shouldn’t have the “spare cash” for socialising, fake nails, new cars, sky tv, holidays etc. The problem is that there are people working the system too much, they either don’t work at all or work the magic 16hr week to maximise their benefits. They have children without thinking about how to pay for them and without even having suitable accommodation in place before planning a pregnancy. They push for the children to be diagnosed with ADHD/ASD etc as a way of avoiding the benefit cap and claiming disability and carer’s allowances. They then don’t spend the extra money on extra expenses related to their child’s health because it all goes on other things and they don’t actually have any disability-related expenses.

When someone is working full time on a low wage and hasn’t chosen to have children to immediately be claiming tax credits because they know they can’t afford a child before even planning to have one, or someone is genuinely disabled enough that they can’t work at all…those people I would put in the same category as the pensioners…they deserve a benefit system that gives them a reasonable quality of life.

Everyone else needs a kick up the arse. The benefits system should be replaced for these people with vouchers that can only be spent on supermarket food, petrol or local buses, energy, childcare etc. People who are working age and capable or working full time shouldn’t be in a position where claiming benefits instead allows them to save up for holidays and takeaways twice a week.

It sounds very harsh, but the only way to break the cycle and push a next generation to be seeking good jobs and not scrounging is for the parents not to be able to provide everything without working for it. A child who sees their healthy parent not working or choosing to work little hours, then getting games consoles, holidays etc is not going to learn that these luxuries are supposed to come as a result of work. That’s why the pattern repeats itself in the next generation…they see having babies as a way of getting housed and having their life funded by the government.

The area where I live has a free program of activities for children whose parents are on means tested benefits throughout the entire summer break, it includes food every day and on some days quite expensive actives such as sailing and rock climbing. I have a friend who works full time but the family income is fairly low….but just above the line for receiving any means-tested benefits. Her child cannot do activities during the summer due to the cost…the program I’ve mentioned above doesn’t take payment so isn’t an option, the nearest thing to it is a childcare scheme in a sports hall (so no trips or special activities and the children have to bring their own lunch) which costs £35 a day, so would cost £175 a week. She can’t afford that so the child only gets booked in if there is no alternative…instead being dropped off with family or her/husband taking annual leave…with the main activities for the summer being playing at the local park or sitting indoors watching tv, with 1 or 2 proper days out which are planned and budgeted for. When her child goes back to school he hears from his friends who have unemployed mothers that they have been doing a lot more activities and having a lot more fun than he has. So presumably the other kids hear about his summer as a child of working parents being poor in comparison…so how does this incentivise those children to want to avoid entering the benefit system themselves?

So someone on minimum wage who can barely make ends meet is paying tax to give someone much wealthier than them pocket money?

The person on minimum wage who no doubt, will not enjoy the same lifestyle when (if) they reach retirement age.

I am all for supporting those who need it but taking out of the pocket of someone less well off to fund someone who has enough but wants a bit extra because they're a bit bored is hard to defend.

Also that isn't why the pension was initially introduced. It wasn't meant to be used as a nice to have bit of pocket money. It was to lower pensioner poverty and could be reduced if you had too much furniture.
We all know there are loafers, cheats and scroungers who take take take from the benefits system and contribute little or nothing. Anyone denying that fact is really just not worth having a discussion with such is their level of delusion. So how is it right that those non contributors get the same or more as someone who’s worked their entire life? And that someone who worked and managed to save up some money to buy a house or support themselves in retirement, or gift to their family will have it taken away to fund their social care if they’re unfortunate enough to end up there? We literally punish people who have done the right thing in their lives to support those who choose not to. It’s disgraceful.
We all know there are loafers, cheats and scroungers who take take take from the benefits system and contribute little or nothing. Anyone denying that fact is really just not worth having a discussion with such is their level of delusion. So how is it right that those non contributors get the same or more as someone who’s worked their entire life? And that someone who worked and managed to save up some money to buy a house or support themselves in retirement, or gift to their family will have it taken away to fund their social care if they’re unfortunate enough to end up there? We literally punish people who have done the right thing in their lives to support those who choose not to. It’s disgraceful.
That sentiment goes for alot of things in this world!
We all know there are loafers, cheats and scroungers who take take take from the benefits system and contribute little or nothing. Anyone denying that fact is really just not worth having a discussion with such is their level of delusion. So how is it right that those non contributors get the same or more as someone who’s worked their entire life?

There will always be those kinds of people. Surely they are costed-in to any governments fiscal plans? At least in a society like ours. I lived in the US where there is far less of a 'safety net' and I found it a very depressing, harsh, selfish place to be. I didn't like it at all. God knows what it'll be like in a few years time.

ps. I know as we get older we're supposed to get more conservative in nature but as I get older I get more liberal! LOL ... I am left-handed though so I usually do most things back to front. 😁
I've been saying for years that if you're on benefits you should get vouchers for food etc but you get all the bleeding hearts talking about how it's demeaning to people...well if it's that demeaning go and get a bloody job!

My neighbours are an excellent demonstration of the failures of the current benefit system. No jobs for 4 of the 5 (healthy and able bodied) adults living there, yet they get takeaways several times a week (I know because the Ubereats driver regularly parks blocking my driveway), drive a car that's worth more than mine, have the usual massive TVs etc. Their (council) house is also an eyesore, because despite having no jobs, they're lazy fuckers and the front garden looks like Steptoe's yard, littered with old fridges, broken furniture and toys, and general rubbish. I am sure there are many other families like them just in this town, let alone the country as a whole, why is this freeloading allowed?

Compared to the elderly pensioners I see who are still maintaining their homes and gardens well into their 80s, I think I know who is more deserving/ less of a drain on society!
Broadly speaking pensioners on a fixed income, after fulfilling basic wants such as dry berth, household warmth & nutritious food, spend their monies locally AND/OR on the younger generations of their family. Older people - state pensioned or not - by spending locally & on others - move money around the local UK economy. This is a good thing for all of us.

Think pub lunches, shampoo & set, physios, sensible shoes, Werthers & local papers, fresh baked buns, music lessons for Gkids, school places for Gkids with additional needs, ‘oh you dropped this’ cash to hand to someone in need, regular payments to charities & disaster relief appeals, paying by cash in the street markets, caffs & high street shops…lots & lots of modest payments from modest incomes that roll up to make a difference.

Cutting state pensions - which is not a benefit - to the very minimum is a false economy at many levels.
State pensions offset the ravages of poverty & deprivation after a lifetime of working (i.e. accruing enough qualifying years) & circulates monies in often communities.

I too am miffed about the Klampits in our parish but these people have always been with us, they are the outliers.
It is not our current benefit system that makes them so although it does allow for a comfier ride.
One of the principles of the Welfare Act & NHS was to challenge ‘worklessness’.

There has to be a tipping point where it pays to work, not empty rhetoric, but sensible thresholds where getting out to work if you can/want to is an an everyday achieveable outcome.
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Good to see ignorance about people claiming benefits prevails. Yes, of course there are piss takers that simply can't be arsed but the vast majority of people claiming benefits are doing so because they actually need them, because they cannot work due to illness/circumstance. If you want to have a pop at anyone, have a pop at tax loopholes that allow greedy fuckers like Gary Barlow to avoid paying tax. These are the cunts that are rinsing the system and if corporations and rich people started paying their taxes properly we could eradicate so much debt and poverty.
No ignorance about people claiming benefits here thanks. I'm well aware how many workshy freeloaders there are in our society, and the current benefits system just encourages it. Benefits should not be a lifestyle choice but for (too) many they are.

Now those views are not mutually exclusive from thinking the super wealthy should be properly taxed - of course I agree they should, and that all the various loopholes that currently exist should be removed. But at present neither is happening, Keir and his cronies aren't addressing either issue, instead they're targeting pensioners and farmers.
In his speech at COP29, Starmer announced an extremely ambitious target of reducing emissions by 81% by 2035. He also said that he has no intention of interfering in people's lives. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. There is absolutely no way that that target can even come anyway close to being met without greatly interfering in people's lives and pushing a move to electric vehicles; swapping gas boilers for heat pumps' and eating less meat amongst other things. So how can he seriously say that he doesn't intend to interfere in people's lives? He obviously doesn't mean one or other of those statements. So why say them both then?

I've mentioned before Starmer saying in his first speech as PM outside Downing Street that his government would tread lightly in people's lives, and then in his conference speech saying that he made no apology for his government 'taking back control' of people's lives. Why does he say such contradictory things? Does he even read the speeches other people have written for him?

It makes no sense and takes away any credibility that he might otherwise have. He seems to be literally making things up as he goes along.
In his speech at COP29, Starmer announced an extremely ambitious target of reducing emissions by 81% by 2035. He also said that he has no intention of interfering in people's lives. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. There is absolutely no way that that target can even come anyway close to being met without greatly interfering in people's lives and pushing a move to electric vehicles; swapping gas boilers for heat pumps' and eating less meat amongst other things. So how can he seriously say that he doesn't intend to interfere in people's lives? He obviously doesn't mean one or other of those statements. So why say them both then?

I've mentioned before Starmer saying in his first speech as PM outside Downing Street that his government would tread lightly in people's lives, and then in his conference speech saying that he made no apology for his government 'taking back control' of people's lives. Why does he say such contradictory things? Does he even read the speeches other people have written for him?

It makes no sense and takes away any credibility that he might otherwise have. He seems to be literally making things up as he goes along.
Why does he have to lie? He has no credibility. Even the biggest blind labour supporters are now realising he chats as much tit as every other PM.

I 100% get why people voted for trump. Pushing these green things when everyone over the world is struggling with the cost of living and these policies will only make it worse.
Fundamentally, if the U.K. reaches net zero by next year, 2030 or 2050 it will make not the SLIGHTEST difference to the climate. These people who are jumping on us, taxing us, destroying our works of art, closing our roads, none of it makes the slightest difference. Even if you believe and agree with climate change this current approach is beyond ridiculous because it simply will not work.
In his speech at COP29, Starmer announced an extremely ambitious target of reducing emissions by 81% by 2035. He also said that he has no intention of interfering in people's lives. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. There is absolutely no way that that target can even come anyway close to being met without greatly interfering in people's lives and pushing a move to electric vehicles; swapping gas boilers for heat pumps' and eating less meat amongst other things. So how can he seriously say that he doesn't intend to interfere in people's lives? He obviously doesn't mean one or other of those statements. So why say them both then?

I've mentioned before Starmer saying in his first speech as PM outside Downing Street that his government would tread lightly in people's lives, and then in his conference speech saying that he made no apology for his government 'taking back control' of people's lives. Why does he say such contradictory things? Does he even read the speeches other people have written for him?

It makes no sense and takes away any credibility that he might otherwise have. He seems to be literally making things up as he goes along.

It's because he is absolutely fulll of tit. A dire excuse of a prime minister, the snivelling tit bag.
In his speech at COP29, Starmer announced an extremely ambitious target of reducing emissions by 81% by 2035. He also said that he has no intention of interfering in people's lives. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. There is absolutely no way that that target can even come anyway close to being met without greatly interfering in people's lives and pushing a move to electric vehicles; swapping gas boilers for heat pumps' and eating less meat amongst other things. So how can he seriously say that he doesn't intend to interfere in people's lives? He obviously doesn't mean one or other of those statements. So why say them both then?

I've mentioned before Starmer saying in his first speech as PM outside Downing Street that his government would tread lightly in people's lives, and then in his conference speech saying that he made no apology for his government 'taking back control' of people's lives. Why does he say such contradictory things? Does he even read the speeches other people have written for him?

It makes no sense and takes away any credibility that he might otherwise have. He seems to be literally making things up as he goes along.
Totally agree, his band of clowns are like rabbits caught in headlights, him being chief clown.
Miss Thieves has had to remove a lie about her career as an “economist” at HBOS from her LinkedIn CV. Chancellor misrepresenting the truth? Not a good look but not unexpected. Between her, Rayner and Starmer you can pretty much bet that if their lips are moving they’re lying.
Just when you thought Starmer couldn’t possibly get any more evil, he goes and does this.
