Back on this ‘we use our morals and ethics to sell the program’ because they don’t want to post transformation pictures because what if the person got to that weight in an unhealthy way, or was sick and that’s why they lost weight.
are they really that stupid? If someone is following YOUR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM and loses weight… and you’ve been coaching them one-to-one… you can actually use that information to tell other people that the person made these changes in a healthy way by using YOUR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. You can tell your apparent 160,000 how good your program is and how well it works. That persons transformation didn’t come from being sick or eating 1000 calories a day.
on the other hand, I follow some fitness and diet pages. I probably prefer when they don’t throw transformation photos down your throat every day, but then I enjoy the other content they put out that is helpful. Siobhan does neither and then preaching about ethics as if that’s the most endearing quality about her.