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I genuinely think it's time she gave up Instagram and just tried to find a normal life again. She started her Instagram at the right time and got a good following at the start - before 'influencing' was a thing. But Instagram has evolved and she has tried to evolve with it but by doing the bear minimum. She thinks the baby is just going to be the next step in her Instagram life, forgetting that real life comes firstTreating myself to a pedicure after work and the girl beside me was saying about a friend of hers who had a baby at the start of last month and how badly she’s suffering with post natal depression. I don’t think Siobhan has any idea about what it’s going to be like actually having & looking after a baby. She’s been coasting on the attention of her pregnancy announcement and probably looking to re launch as a mummy influencer - I fear she’s in for some land when the baby arrives. Can only hope she’ll catch a grip & grow up but I’ll not hold my breath.