VIP Member
Absolutely! I've no kids, mind nieces the odd clue how parents do it! And they are good kids!Anyone else think she is only excited about the attention and congratulations etc but when it comes down to the actual massive change in lifestyle she’ll have to make and the way when you have kids most days are very repetitive -cooking, cleaning, changing, feeding, consoling, getting up every night etc particularly on her own she could be in for a huge land Her days have only ever revolved around her own needs and desires, naps, convenience foods, getting cleaners etc so she does the bare minimum of maintenance . I know stability can seem appealing but start with a pet, house , long term partner first no??
It's bloody hard work...& the sleep deprivation/ worry!
Honestly don't think she has a notion what's ahead. Plus, by not having any nieces / nephews herself, she literally has only spent a few hours with a baby/ child visiting Leanne for example.
She's in for a bigger hop than the jump she got off Dazza!!!