Chatty Member
Over 30s can get booster from today ..just in time for Siobh the Redeemers flight to Bali ....
Over 30s can get booster from today ..just in time for Siobh the Redeemers flight to Bali ....
If she has Covid, she can't get a booster for 3 months I think?
Still 3 months wait I think.I think it’s now 28 days, but that won’t be soon enough for Shiv the redeemer.
I bet she has that jab in her arm and is on the next plane to Jakarta before her 15mins wait is up!
But they won't know you have COVID if you don't get testedIf she has Covid, she can't get a booster for 3 months I think?
Sure is. All she does is post yoga and steps. I think she will come back on saying she is back from her break of gram but actually lasted 10 hours. I hope she does appear the other side of world. Shes doing no favours here super spreading herself about.There is something very suspicious about her behaviour right now. Why isn't she showing us all 20,000 steps she has done in her apartment or her sped up yoga at stupid o clock in the morning? Not to mention all that tat she attempts to swindle..
It's still three months, according to the HSE website. There was talk recently of bringing it to 28 days in Ireland, which would be in line with the rules in the UK.If she has Covid, she can't get a booster for 3 months I think?
She announced her break and then posted the same day.She was freaking out in the hours before announcing the break.
I think the tit hit the fan and she realized her travel plans were goosed under current advisories so she decided the best approach was to go quiet on the gram and sneak back to Bali even though plenty would know she is a Covid case or a close contact. These people would not view her antics favourably either .
Another message today, can't wait to get back to Bali. She's probably already in Jakarta lol.
Her obvious consistent behaviors have done a complete 180 since Christmas eve. She's up to something and we want to know
If she has Covid, she can't get a booster for 3 months I think?
thing is they don’t test you when you go for jab. She could be positive & still go get jab. I wouldn’t put it past her!
Anyone I know tested positive on antigen test but negative on PCR after their boostersRandon, Can you test positive after booster ? Like i had covid few weeks back. She will find a way around it. Theres obviously a reason why shes not out doing steps moaning about coffee. And not posting her face...