Sinead Hingston

I don't think its disrespectful to the husband, she loves them both . Her love for the first one didn't leave when he died.
Grief is a weird one everyone is different, from a personal perspective I don't see anything wrong posting about your loved one, it's nice to remember them and share them so they aren't forgotten
That reel, those pics, that should be private, who the f* ck takes a photo of a widow basically being carried into the church, who took that and then sent it to her. Wtf. Weird and creepy.
'663 weeks'.. I agree with you. It's odd, very strange behaviour. Of course you never forget the people you've loved who have left before you, but you get to that place where you have 'a moment' and move on. The posting on social media is bizarre, especially when enough time has passed for another husband and two children later. A brief photo memory on a birthday or something maybe, but the energy put into making reels is odd. I'd understand it more, if love was never found since that person passed away. Some people just crave and live for attention, however they can get it.
It's definitely an attention seeking reel, she knows it will show up in anyones algorithm who is into the mourn porn and might get her more followers
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She's angling for work as a funeral photographer 🙄
Can't think of anything worse than having photos taken while my loved ones, friends and I are in the pits of grief. A funeral is a dot, it's all the dashes between the two dots that mark the beginning and end of a life that are super important. You always see reminders to take the damn photos, because those are the ones you want to refer back to and smile, not the cemetary car park or church yard. So weird.
I don't understand wanting to have photos of a funeral.. never heard of that in my life. Seems very bizarre. I had a little cluster of family funerals within a short time frame a few years back. Some were happy and some were so painful. I have happily blocked them all out. Family members have made reference over the yrs to various happenings and I have no recollection at all. There was nothing I wanted to remember from those days, least of all immortalise it in a photograph.
Sorry for the rant but honestly to see her moaning agaaaaain about working, you'd question whether she deserves employment at all. Offering two days in the office, three at home, and she's wanting more hoping they'll be flexible. She's forgetting there's an agreement in place, for X amount of money, she gives X amount of hours in return at the locations agreed. If she signed it, she does it. People like this drive me mad wanting more home based working because you just know they are staying home to mind kids, work don't pay you for that! Ugh, she drives me crazy with the entitlement and consistent moaning moaning and whingeing. A little bit of gratitude would do her the world of good. A dose. Hopefully they wise to her and it doesn't work out. Might help her to cop on a bit about how lucky she is to find gainful employment at all.
She sounds daft. So she walked away from a fully remote position that was suiting them in a lot of ways with kids. Has taken on a new position that is a split between home and office and is basically saying if they don't allow her work fully remotely that they are forcing her out of the workplace...?? That she couldn't refuse the job as the offer (ie money) was so good..

She appears to have no a awareness that she is the one who will have pushed herself out of the workplace if this doesn't work out in the new job. She is talking out her arse.

I could take a different job that would pay more but it would be impossible to manage childcare, therefore I don't take the job because the priority is having a reliable childcare arrangement and working around that.
@StopSayingObsessed exactly this! A job is a contract for PAY to do your job & not to mind your kids. In her old job she was 100% minding the kids when she should have been working. I’d say the old job are delighted to see the back of her moaning & ungratefulness. I think she’s lazy & just doesn’t want to work but she has no choice but to work to afford the lifestyle she wants. She a complete melter!
PSA - she's moaning again 🙄 about how having to go to work means time away from her children. No gratitude for the fact that's only for two days a week, she home works the remainder. She'd find something to complain about in paradise.
She moaning about 9 - 5, would she rather work nights / weekends? I just dont get her.
Why doesn't she get a shift work job, and then her and the hubby can take over when the other works.
Its work in general, she just doesn't want to. These people who expect everyone else to compensate for the fact they have children. Children are a decision, you make it, you deal with the consequences they bring. She is never done whining and moaning. If I was her new employer looking at her posting all that stuff I would not be impressed at all.
She moaning about 9 - 5, would she rather work nights / weekends? I just dont get her.
Why doesn't she get a shift work job, and then her and the hubby can take over when the other works.

Ya I've found a lot of people who work a 9 to 5 have a very rose tinted view of what it's like to do shift work. She prob one of those who thinks that's not work at all.

While I'm sure working 9 to 5 and commuting is very intense with kids to cater for, it really comes across pure miserable how she keeps harping on about it.

It's like she is setting the scene for packing in the new job already
She is serious she thought her insurance rolled over what without payment......and Tags its their fault or she wants them to contact her.....jez does everyone not get a letter 6 weeks before and ring around for best she wants a house by the sea for the bank holiday weekend 4 days before the actual bank holiday and Tags diacover ireland....what Planet is this Tool on.....
The beg in this one. She has seen other fluenzas getting ADs with that insurance crowd and she wants an in too. Not a hope at mid 40s she's sat there thinking her insurance 'rolls over'. Don't you know well we'd have gotten a moan about the price of insurance so this is purely to try grab their attention see can she get some of that AD action. It's so so obvious it's embarrassing, cringing for her 😑
And the beg for the house, go and Google like everyone else and put your hand in your bloody pocket. She has absolutely no shame begging online, mortified for her.