Nurse here, shes an absolute disgrace
Talking about a hysterectomy when she has Adenomyosis-she can't even spell it properly.
This condition isn't harmful physically to you in any way, its symptoms can affect your life,no doctor and I mean no doctor would ever EVER even consider a hysterectomy to treat this condition unless the patient was finished having their children.
She is a disgrace, I'm unfollowing her now, and I use to genuinely like watching her stories.
Imagine how many women this is going to frighten??
She is an attention seeking desperately sad woman for the way she's carrying on, you'd swear she got a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, she can go on the OCP to treat her symptoms but would rather consider a hysterectomy??????
There is feck all wrong with this one other than she is dying for attention.
If her pain was bad enough she'd be taking the OCP to help with symptoms.
Maybe she wants to have a baby and this is her psychotic way of getting Jack to agree to it now because she needs a hysterectomy.
I'm actually disgusted with her.
This is actually psychopathic tit.
I'd suggest everyone unfollow too, because this is low even for sinead. And she is dangerous. I'm reporting her posts too for false information.
Eta: if she was that weak and unwell then she wouldn't let her iron prescription run out. She'd be religious taking them. For fear of feeling so tit.
The only medical professional this one needs to see is a psychiatrist.