Chatty Member
I like Sinead, she seems like a good soul who tries her best . To a non medical person like Sinead, this Nutritionist might sound knowledgable, so Sinead can't be blamed.
To a medical person, this woman's physiology knowledge is woeful and her tunnel vision with regard to potential diagnosis of various symptoms is dangerous.
I agree with her holistic approach where suitable, and general improvement in lifestyle and diet etc., however how she delivers her message is littered with error and potential risk of missed diagnosis.
I’m sorry but I’d have to disagree saying Sinead can’t be blamed.. I don’t dislike Sinead and actually used to love her but there are so many holes in the things she says and does that I stopped taking her word as bible a long time ago. If Sinead wants to put out an educational and informative podcast then she should either do it due diligence and research the people and topics she’s talking about a lot better, maybe get proper advice on the subject OR what anyone else would do and stick to what you KNOW. There isn’t a hope in hell I’d start a podcast discussing women’s health because all I know is my body, I’d be opening myself up to far too much trouble. She shouldn’t be discussing half the topics she does full stop and she can absolutely be blamed for that?? Doesn’t matter how pure her intentions are, she’s given a platform to a random woman to spread misinformation to sineads audience which is predominantly young girls, how can you say that’s ok??
It’s also a really bad sign of sineads intelligence to say that to her this woman sounds medically trained and qualified, to me that might hint that Sinead is not qualified to be doing any of this
Just want to reiterate, I don’t dislike Sinead and think she’s probably a lovely person but she isn’t qualified to be talking about the subjects she does and it would be in her own benefit to either qualify, or stop talking about things as if she is qualified. Reading someone else’s books is not enough. I think she’s very good at influencing people and things like her meditation course etc are a good idea for her but she needs to leave serious topics alone before she gets herself into serious trouble.