Ok, I have to vent about this bc it baffles me....
Oshin sims just started "all over" in her sims bc she got a new computer. Like, ok, I'm pretty sure I she's said in prior things that her computer has been giving her problems, so it seems like she got a new one but ....
Why wouldn't you BACK. YOUR.
tit. UP. once you started having problems so when you did get a new computer, you wouldn't lose everything??
And people on her comments are like "you're so strong" bc she's starting over. No, it's not strong bc she CHOSE this. She didn't lose everything. She chose not to back her
tit up. Like .... ???
I mean, I get if she decided to start in a vanilla game (which it's not totally bc she def uses a reshade mod still at least) but the praise like she just battled a minotaur is ridiculous...
Also, I swear, this tweaks my Boomer button (I am not a boomer but I feel like one when people don't back things up or don't know to do it). Bc Oshin is a gown ass adult, she should know how to back up her computer for
tit like this (esp bc this was not a sudden, unexpected thing -but even if it was, no backup made, ever?).
It's way too early for me to be tweaking out over this
(& stupid, too frankly) but the amount of people I see on reddit losing everything bc they don't
tit up really makes my inner old lady want to shake her cane at clouds and swear at 'whippersnappers'
So here's grandma reminding everyone here - BACK YOUR
tit UP KIDS. Thanks for coming to my granny TED talk (& I'm sorry for the rant)