Just to be clear, I’m not policing at all. I’m simply stating that I won’t answer this topic again.
I’m going to get some flack for this but I personally draw the line at discussing, or trying to out someone’s sexuality. It’s been raised time and time again with many people witnessing Trent being at family bar and anything I say wouldn’t be able to confirm or deny this. Whether he’s a fully closeted gay, bi or simply a very secure straight man, it’s not my place to make comments on what has or has not been discussed amongst those who know them (for this topic). If someone has spent a lifetime trying to hide their true self, it’s not fair to have strangers throw a spanner at your life over something as major as this - some families simply do not accept anyone a part of a LGBQT community, some employers still have incredible bias for them as well. Friendships still end over it. There’s a lot more than just a bit of gossip at stake when it comes to trying to out someone’s sexuality. Trent comes from a very religious family and even for a straight person, that is tough. Simone and Trent may have an agreement between them, or she might be in complete denial regarding what’s is said about Trent. Regardless, I’ve said previously that Simone will always discuss lies that are said about her and her silence on specific topics should be enough to read it how you want. There are only a handful of topics she doesn’t address so I think you’ll find your answer with her.