I followed her around this time. She was much more relatable here but I still always felt off about her…’what sort of scabby
witch does a gofundme for plastic surgery’ were my thoughts. Nonetheless I couldn’t help but watch her journey moreso out of morbid curiosity though. She became especially painful not long after this, the ads started, the Botox and fillers, she’d post wearing all these hideous OTT outfits and she would ALWAYS post about her nights and dinners out and I’m like how the
duck are you eating and drinking so much, you’ve had weight loss surgery, there’s no way she was consuming all the food and alcohol she’d post about. The nail in the coffin for me was all the vomit inducing posts about or with Trent, I had to unfollow. I spent years being irked every time I saw her name mentioned, I was soooooo stoked when I found tattle and this thread of like like-minded wonderful people