The locals in Texas and the “church” they looked helped financially too!!! They lived like kings in Texas, eating out all the time, shopping hails, flying family and friends over and back for holidays to see them!
They continue to live a life of luxury here, pure entitled!! Why would Leigh only work part time? He’s young fit and healthy, I don’t get it! Unless he gets some sort of carers allowance for looking after Shan?!
Leona is also more than capable of working full time! Shans photography “business” is just a cover so she can say she works but in reality it’s a day a month or so, she’s more than well enough to work a lot more than she does!!!
You can be sure they’re reaping the benefits of social welfare, Leona and Shan are well able to work the system and I’m sure are able to keep their go fund me well under wraps for when they want to dip into it!!