Shauntelle #4 I cook, I clean, I shop on shien. Tongue and nips in all my modest pics

This “reset” “much needed break” “taking time out” sh**t*e drives me mad. The pair of them were just away in October! And what does Shan need a break from? Everything showers and sitting on tiktok live all day? Give me strength.
needed a break from Leigh and all their trying for a baby action 🤭 and how could you forget she also keeps her bedroom clean, and fixes the cushions on the couch.. lights candles? wow.
Sunburned again, now known as Sunkissed by Shan!!! For someone who has cancer she certainly doent take care in the sun, same as on honeymoon when she was burned to a crisp!!
They really are a bunch of idiots, a complete Sub-culture, born and reared to milk the system for everything they can get!!! Sickening really, most of us work our asses off and can’t afford a yearly holiday, never mind 2 or 3 or 4 holidays like this shower of scroungers!!!!
STOP!!!!! 🤮

On another note, I can’t believe they left the little toddler at home!!! Jesus that’s cruel!!! How could you bring Sophie and the baby and not the toddler! 😱😩
I didn’t realise they done that, the guilt I would feel as a mother would kill me, I could never do that! I know toddlers are hard work but that’s why you signed up for leona 😤
I didn’t realise they done that, the guilt I would feel as a mother would kill me, I could never do that! I know toddlers are hard work but that’s why you signed up for leona 😤
The little lad is old enough to know he’s been left too and little and big sisters gone away! Poor child!!! Stephen is the forgotten soul too but he probably wouldn’t be interested in going! I really feel for the child though! It’s all or nothing with my family, we all go or no one goes!!!

No doubt Shan will have a gastro paresis flare up once she is home & have to stay in bed for a week! 🙄
Think she needs a bigger ring , can’t stand seeing this lol maybe because I insist on my ring being loose/ fitting me


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she's obviously just gained a lot of weight since the wedding. which is totally okay, but she should get a piece put into the ring it looks uncomfortable 😣
Seems her ring was always tight 2021wouldnt be able would have to have it comfy
She’s on live now on TikTok with her “holy” music in the background


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Top tip from Shans live. To save money if you buy something save the same amount. So by that logic I spent €160 in Tesco yesterday, I must put €160 into savings, mortgage is coming out Monday, I’ll save the same, car taxed yesterday that’s another €213 into savings, kids art classes €320 that’s another €320 into savings! Jesus I’ll be loaded (and bankrupt) at the same time! She hasn’t a clue how the majority of people live honestly.