Leona is grand.. she works part time as an accountant and is probably getting carers for her husband, the husband would be on disability payment so bringing in 1k a month. and also all the payments for the children. She lives in Carlow and moved house so id imagine her mortgage is pretty low.
Carers is 248 a week which is a nice 990 a month..Disability is 230 a week so another 900 odd per month. So approx 2000 both households are bringing in before any extra cash from work etc.
Shaun is on disability and Leigh works part time. As Leigh is only working part time he could be easily also claiming carers allowance. They are living in Leigh's parents house so they only have to pay bills.. not a mortgage or anything.
Shaun probably gets I'd say 600-800 per wedding and she does 1 wedding a month. (well say 700)
Leigh works part time coaching.. no idea how much that would pay possible about 400 - 600 per month? I could be wrong. (Let's say 500)
taking that into account S&L; 2000 disability and carers + 700 + 500
that's an overall 3200 per month for Shaun and Leigh. With no mortgage, no kids, no responsibilities etc.