Shauna Lindsay

Anyone see the photo Shauna has just posted - the bikini one? Is it just me or does it look like a dodgy photoshop edit to create a smooth flat stomach?! Also mismatch with the apparent abs when she turns sideways in the second pic 🙈
I’m shocked that Shauna is still with JB. He openly said on his radio show on Tuesday that he was tight….then he quickly said frugal as if that’s any better?!!! So if a guy openly admits live on air to the nation that he is tight….he must be v bad!!! Tightness is such a turn off. So what does she see in him? I’d say he never suggests to do or go anywhere. It would have to be free, even at that he’d still probably complain about having to spend money on diesel to get there. I’d say date nights are few and far between.
He's tight as a ducks arse but I mean Shauna probably doesn't have any better options and what is she bringing to the table. She's totally workshy and being with him will keep her moving in the circles she wants to be in til the next one comes around. She squeezed the Oz trip out of him anyway at Xmas.
He must be totally smitten and trying to impress her as he is talking about renovating his house. There's no way she hasn't influenced that as he wouldn't be into material things and is very practical as would have no intention of doing it otherwise.