Think I am only now getting over the embarrassment at the stories I watched this morning... Shannen is many things - a liar, a narcissist, a bully, but one thing she definitely is not is confident. She likes to pretend she is when she's posting heavily edited and filtered grid photos with strange poses and her arms wrapped around her stomach, but as soon as you take that away she becomes so awkward and you could really see it in the stories from last night. That and the fact that she was surrounded by women whose social media accounts are more successful than her's. That's probably why she set up the agency, surrounding herself with a room full of nobodies so she would always be the centre of attention. I don't know why she puts herself in these types of environments when she just ends up blending into the furniture. She mentioned before that she would have let her personality shine through more on Love Island if she could do it over...what personality? She hasn't got a thing to say, apart from blowing kisses which in itself is so cringe, something my niece used to do when she was 15. She really is scraping the barrel now.