Here Shannen I’ll be mystic Meg for you.. for free doll
Reading your future..
I see you in court twice..
one for breaking Irish law and other for online bullying.. you will be found guilty!!
You will lose your blue tick on Instagram for breaking community guidelines...
Buying fake followers..
No respectable brands will work with you again..
You be back home living with mammy by the end of next year. Cause you be black list by the revenue.. social welfare will make you repay the money you took while getting cash in your hand for “jobs”..
No more freebies from fast food restaurants so my advice would be learn how to cook..
Learn how to do your own washing!! Stop being lazy! Grow up be adult!
Your fantasy dream becoming famous is coming to end!! This time next year you be a nobody
apologies to the girls you robbed money off and repay them!! Do the right thing for once in your life!!
Do us all favour stop lying about your apartment in Manchester and working on your career in uk
your a nobody and your laughing stock saying that!
Dóchas Centre give will give you lovely prison hair cut that you won’t have to worry about your roots again..