I personally think the reason she has been abused in every relationship is because of herself. She pushes people to the edge and she has obviously frustrated Luke and her exes SO bloody much ( probs hitting them first and verbally/ mentally abusing them) that it has caused them to lash out. If every man you’ve been with has hit you, in my opinion.. it means your the one to blame as your obviously doing something to majorly anger them.
now that being said, like someone else also said.. that doesn’t make it ok for Luke to hit her. But I think there is much more to the story than “Luke hitting her”.
perhaps it was out of self defence, and Luke being such a big man his hit would of course have much more force than Shannen’s so would do more damage. Or…she defo may have exaggerated it to make it seem like he was the bad guy so people would empathise with her. Even though we all know how psychotic shannen is
A friend of mine seen her get kicked out of a nightclub because she literally smashed a glass over Luke’s head, and he ran out of the club, and hopped straight in a taxi. And that’s FACT.
So if anything SHE is the one physically abusing him. I wouldn’t actually think too badly of him if he did slap her or something, because there’s a 99.5% IF he did it was out of self defence.