VIP Member
Scumang Safe to say no one in that restaurant would be able to enjoy their meal in peace with this one egging on her Prince Harry charactericture to 'take a lump off their dinner'.Why does she lie and say so many DM’s about her outfit. What did they ask did you forget your outfit?
Imagine been in that restaurant last night and Shan and Scumang trot in, she’s dressed like a dogs dinner he’s dressed like a flash Harry and you just wanted to enjoy your meal in peace.
Also can any MUA’s on here tell me if this MJ tip is achievable with make up or is this the result of Shan’s ‘accident’ a while ago?
Ah yes, 'the accident'.. she looks like something of Dr. Seuss.
The outfit actually looks like cheap shapewear and just accentuates her FUPA.