Shannen Joyce #17 Me money’s all spent,I can’t pay me rent. I need a free pad, I ain’t livin wit me da!

I never donated to a gfm after Shannen . And I never will
Exact same bar 1 - it was a fella needing the house disable access retro fitted and his mother posted a receipt for everything spent in the comments, god love her to to be so transparent and it was a measly sum compared to €200k this wretched bleep got.
She’s a hungry bleep for anything she doesn’t have to pay for and I wouldn’t be shocked if locals that drink with Podge get told the stories over Xmas while he’s off his nut. She’s no doubt boasted about the money to fellas she’s desperate to marry so I’m shocked no one has spilled the beans yet. Maybe donut make believe bf paid wedding plus one man will 😂
Offline my ass. She's flat out on tiktok promoting her showcase on tiktok shop. Flat out buying herself likes on it too.
Just in case anyone needs help sleeping here's her day in the life rèel
How does she manage to do all that in one day, my god she is run of her feet the poor girl! shes a trojan fitting all that in, theres not many that manage it. Its no wonder shes on the brink of burn out.
Washed her face, brushed teeth, put on makeup, drove to the appointment, went into appointment, got nails done, went home and got into bed.
Ah she needs a rest, thats far too much in one day, shes a warrior.
Waiting on the big announcement regarding a new place to live.
Hope the council installed a revolving door for the poor thing so it’s easier for all the men she stalks to walk out after the shag and she brings out the Monica Gellgher wedding binder and declares her undying love for them 😂