I feel like I'm actually watching a teenager trying to rebel. My sympathy really is running out quickly.
She proved she could get into the right headspace to change however she's caved easily, her kids are not enough to motivate her into a better life so she simply does not deserve a chance with them.
Time after time she's had a chance now to put those children first and she prioritises acting like a childless mess. She regrets having children clearly and has the mindset they ruined her chance to be 'Fun Shann' and its quite frankly a disgrace.
Weed is incredibly hard to get off as ive seen this firsthand, you can not go from smoking it everyday to days without it - which she'll know. She needs professional drug and mental health help but she doesn't want to help herself so no one else can.
Her supporters are a disgrace to keep encouraging her and telling people this is normal behaviour and its just weed. It's not just weed, this is a mentally unstable women who is putting her family through hell purely to be selfish. There is pain for MS, illegal drugs is not the way to go.
And she's showing off that hand like a trophy, she wants people to ask what she's done for attention. Like a 15 year old.