She’s an absolute disgrace. Disgusting woman. Who allows a few quid from TikTok to overpower the safety of their child. I would be sick to my stomach if anyone ever said such disgusting comments towards my children. I’ve shared this before on another thread but, a few years ago I was in McDonalds with my kids and I recognised two little girls whose mum shared their every move on social media. I’ve not spoken to the mum in years since school finished, we just had each other in social media. The girls were sat alone and it would’ve been very easy for me to go up to them and pretend I knew their mummy since I knew so much of their personal info, school, full names, interests etc since that day I’ve never shown my kids on social media just a personal private instagram with my siblings and close family on. Elas life has been shown to millions of people including her live location a lot of the time. It’s terrifying to think what could happen to her.