Selfloveliv #2

Proof she makes up many of her problems for the ✨content✨
In todays episode of "things that didnt happen in Livs life"
Hun, there really is nothing wrong with losing a little bit of weight or watching your diet or gym more (woth the right workout youll see some awesome changes) .
Id say diet more so than anything... Thats bloating(?)
Especially if its affecting your mental health state?!
Difficult I guess with your ED past but clearly you are not happy in your current body 🤷🏼‍♀️

Has to mention that she isn't drinking alcohol every time she goes out. I think it's now safe to assume that Liv is definitely sober! 😅 We don't require proof
Liv the legal expert spouting off bullshit. She really is thick. “What they’ve done is illegal…I don’t really understand what’s gone on.”
So she doesn't know the full story but says he's a "n**ce". How would she know if she doesn't know the full story? She's just jumping on another story to try and be relevant. It doesn't help that her speech is so bad, I can't understand half of what she says