Oh dear. Your level of intelligence and understanding on racial issues and equality is clearly nonexistent.
White people have been oppressing others since history began, but you're probably one of these 'we're all equal race doesn't exist' people.
If you refuse to acknowledge this then yes - you are part of the problem.
I've seen you're also on the JK Rowling thread making transphobic comments over there. Lovely.
Racist and a terf... why am I not surprised??
Why is it that SJWs always assume they are more intelligent and educated than the other side? I used to spout the same mainstream talking points as you when i was a young, naive leftist, until I educated myself.
(By the way everyone agrees with my comments on the JK Rowling thread. And I’m not a “terf”: I’m not a rad fem).
You hold white people to standards that you don’t apply to anyone else. What is your actual hard evidence for “white people have been oppressing others since history began”? Please give examples of white people doing ANYTHING that hasn’t been equally done to us.
3,000,000 white people were abducted Muslims in the 16th century and kept as slaves, mostly women and girls as sex slaves.
The Ottomans brutally colonised south east Europe, and that only finished a century ago. You could argue with Kosovo, Albania and Western Turkey that it never ended. They also genocided 3 million Armenians.
Tatars and Huns sacked, raided and looted Eastern Europe for centuries.
Lenin, a mixed race man who specifically stated he wanted all people to be mixed, put in place policies that killed tens of millions of white people. For example, he confiscated the grain of Ukrainian peasant farmers, and starved 8 million people in the genocide known as the Holodomor.
Muslims conquered, colonised, enslaved and ruined half of Africa, and never get any criticism for it. Slavery of outsiders is explicitly encouraged in Islam, and slavery of black Africans has become a huge problem in Libya, while south east Asians are lured to jobs in the UAE, then kept as slaves. Some of them are never seen again.
They also conquered and colonised India, and fatally persecuted people of other religions.
The Chinese are currently colonising Africa, while everyone’s busy screeching at white people for what a few rich men did 200 years ago when civilians didn’t even have the vote. Chinese people historically owned African slaves, and castrated them.
However, most people don’t realise that outsiders did not capture African slaves. “Slave” was essentially the currency of Africa. Tribes all over sub-Saharan Africa would constantly fight with and take slaves from neighbouring tribes. This process existed long before contact with outsiders. The current leaders would then trade these slaves with outsiders. That is why Africa has always been associated with slavery for 5000 years: it was their own native process. It only ended (officially at least) with European colonisation. Britain did not benefit from slavery; in order to liberate slaves, Britain bought every single slave in the Empire and set them free. We only finished paying off this astronomical debt in 2014.
Talking of white people in Africa, 70,000 white people have been murdered in South Africa since the end of Apartheid. It is legal to confiscate the land only of white people. Most black people in South Africa are descendants of immigrants from other African countries.
Pygmy tribes had to go to the UN to ask for help, to stop their average-sized neighbours from enslaving and cannibalising them. The average sized neighbours said it was a “time-honoured tradition”.
Muslim rape gangs in this country outright said that “white girls are trash and are only good for our use”, while calling the children they were raping white cunts and white whores. The only ones convicted of racism were some members of the children’s families, who tried to rescue them.
But please enlighten me on how uniquely oppressive white people are
White people sacrificed themselves to end slavery in the US civil war.
Millions and millions of British, Polish, Russian etc people died in WW2, with the aim of saving Jewish people.