There was a story years ago on Popbitch about her being seen in a Highgate pub with a guy that wasn't Tom not long after she married him and she wasn't exactly being indiscreet about it either. According to Popbitch, they then went into the toilet and from what people heard, they weren't powdering their noses. That and the story going around that he hadn't split with Estelle when he first started seeing Tamzin, no matter what he officially claimed. The papers insinuated but didn't come right out saying stuff like he was ready to marry Estelle and have a baby with her then Tamzin came along. Estelle was asked about it not long after and she said things were fine for the sake of the baby but she wouldn't talk about Tamzin saying they would have to ask Tom that
He is a dick and a serial cheat, there is no doubt about it but like so many, she knew when she got with him what he was like and was fine with it but when it happened to her, she had issues.