VIP Member
OMG I remember Menswear and used to see them out at leading indie discos hahaha! God, those were the days. My best friend used to rent a room in Soho so we'd always go back and crash at his place after. Can you imagine that? Unless you were a millionaire that could never happen now. Menswear were a bit of a scam band though - I wouldn't call them big. They were friends with a lot of music journalists who used to write about them and their popularity but it never, ever translated into music sales or big gigs.I wasn’t a massive Britpop follower but I just found a link that says Powder “acquired a stigma for touring with Menswear”.
The Menswear lead singer, Johnny Dean mentions in this article
there was a “lot of heavy class A action” And references Trainspotting ..... May not be him but thought I’d mention