Not gossip as such but a cute story from Popbitch today about Adam Ant -
CP writes:
"I once wrote to Adam Ant when he split from the other 'Ants' to exclaim my disgust and disappointment. I expressed a hope that the remaining 'Ants' got their revenge on him. I was eight at the time.
"He wrote a very sweet letter back explaining that it was a harmonious split, enclosed a signed photo and hoped I liked his new solo single, Goodie Two Shoes. I didn't."
CP writes:
"I once wrote to Adam Ant when he split from the other 'Ants' to exclaim my disgust and disappointment. I expressed a hope that the remaining 'Ants' got their revenge on him. I was eight at the time.
"He wrote a very sweet letter back explaining that it was a harmonious split, enclosed a signed photo and hoped I liked his new solo single, Goodie Two Shoes. I didn't."