The whole seeking validation thing is spot on I think. Everything these popular posters do relates directly to their sense of self worth and psychological state offline. It’s not for me either, I couldn’t think of anything worse tbh, I’ll be my hot mess self in private thanks lol. I ended up in a group chat via TT at one point and my nerves were shot to tit when someone linked my profile on there to that and tried to dox me! Feck that!
Attention is the ultimate goal for anyone who posts publicly and regularly IMO, the dopamine hit from ‘likes’ and interaction is even said to be more addictive than cigs or drink! The psychology of it all fascinates me - the motivations of those that do share and gather a following, to the followers themselves who seem to idolise these random strangers on the internet. Are they lonely, anxious, depressed or downright narcissistic? Who knows, but I can’t help but watch sometimes. My screen time has probably increased by 50% this week alone!
I’ve said it many a time, but TikTok in particular truly is Satan’s hole of social media. It’s an amazing platform for creativity or niche content, my ADHD brain appreciates the short videos and the fact I can be watching an astronomer in the South Pole one minute and an artisan baker in Dumfries the next. It’s verging on dangerous though when the average scheme maw cultivates a following, when the toxicity spreads among so called pals who have feck all in common other than the fact they overshare online. When weans are neglected and online tiffs spills over into real life violence it’s time to take stock.
I’m a scheme wean myself before anyone comes for me, and I’ve had a few wines tonight whilst my own weans are in bed, but I’m not square going scutters down at the top shop and none of the embarrassing tit I chat will be broadcast on TT and screen recorded by the latest drama page. Rein it in Rosie hen, your weans deserve better, you’ve got the gumption to BE better.