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Ang with the blonde hair.? She got lots of auction prizes for the charity, she was nice I did wonder then what she saw in Sharon wtbh any of them, I didn’t see what why they parted as was doing overtime a lot so not really bothering with social mediaWe all know that won't be happening, there to frightened to stand up to her. All of them girls have witnessed how Ang, Di, Debs, Tracey were treated, none are true friends, they've known each other months, remember anyone that disagrees with sharryn is well gone.
If i was Ruth I would personally be distancing myself from this mess.
The charity event was organised by sharryn & Ang but in the background was Ruth & Tracey, all will be questioned with regards to the theft of , we all know that it went into sharryns pay pal but all parties involved will be questioned & as we have witnessed many times before none of this will be sharryns fault
I actually recon Sharon will be Thanking us all, when it’s all been looked into.
she will get her “FAME”. Splashed all over the INTERNET
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