@nottobeforgotten …I don’t think I’m wrong in saying THANK YOU for all the time you have spent going through everything, time on the phone, emails and more. You had a gut feeling and followed it.
We all knew she lived her life of lies, and the last few weeks have shown some cracks. She’s turned defensive and angry at everyone… and now we know why.
I hope after all the lies she has told, the accusations she has made and the names she’s screamed at innocent people , she can finally stand up and say sorry… IM NOT HOLDING OUT ANY HOPE.
She’s been rude to customers who said there were issues, rallied her sheep to join in hate campaigns against people, Lied about police being involved with someone who she has named after stalking their social media, said umpteen times there was going to be arrests….I THINK THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE ARREST HERE…
To think you’re scoring points against others by getting a seat in #wgg, good luck , you’re going to need it.
I hope all her “fans” get to read what’s been posted, and then maybe realise that “Tattle isn’t full of lies”, It’s a platform without getting blocked.
I’m done