She harps on about us tattlers aint right in the head and continously mocks people with mental health problems but then informs everyone she goes to Harmen House for councilling
pot kettle Slosha
you really are stupid aren't you. And believe me when I say no one wants to be you because you don't even want to be you yourself. No one is jealous of her or what shes got because shes a nasty lonely old hag with so much hatred and bitterness it just oozes out of her. Her alter ego is Sasha Fontain ffs along with all her other numerous name changes. As soon as someone calls her out she eliminates them from her life. Why do you think her family don't wanna know her. No matter how many times you change your name or change your friends you are still the same Sharon Brotherton from the Waterloo Estate that you always were. Ain't no running away from the real you Shazza.