Another 'interesting' couple of lives tonight.
A few bullet points and my opinions (for what they are worth) on some of the key players, and that which I witnessed.
First and foremost, utmost respect for, as previously stated WibbleWobble's (
@nottobeforgotten) amazing clarity on the situation. Her calm and collected demeanour was highly commendable
paul Rudi, still loves the sound of his own voice, even when he is talking on things that he doesn't fully understand and/or have full knowledge of
Lugz finally admitted that she has indeed withdrawn from 'Camp Bullshit' aka 'Team Trasha'.
Although this was as predictable as a very predictable thing with a special reason to he predictable, it's always good to hear
straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
Quite why she believes that simply because she has decided that she doesn't want to be mentioned on Tattle forthwith means that we will all comply with her request is beyond me
Approximately 3 years of vile insults, lies and generally enabling behaviours is A LOT to be 'brushed under the carpet'!
Ableist Annette is still proving that she really isn't the most clued up on the full history of what's gone on even though she's 'been with Sash from the beginning'
'Dance Party' Gemz was as diplomatic as ever ⚖
Paul's Rudi's live, I was directly asked to relay a request to cease mentioning PastaJ (in any derogatory manner) within this forum.
His inclusion on this thread was mentioned multiple times and by numerous people.
I do think that he (PastaJ) was unknowingly (by
Paul Rudi, I might add
) brought into this situation.
In his (PastaJ's) defence I cannot recall him 'getting involved' and, as I can testify from personal experience
, he does seem to block those that he identifies as 'Tattlers', purely to avoid any of the Trasha drama occurring on his platform.
Personally I don't feel that this is an unreasonable request, and as such, I will comply (unless circumstances change obviously
I know that we here on this thread are proud of the community we have built. I am also aware that we don't always agree, but we do respect each other and accept that it's ok to have a difference of opinion.
I am grateful that this is a space where I feel comfortable enough to air my views In the knowledge that I will not be 'shot down' but by the same token I am perfectly willing to enter a discussion (if anyone wants to
) about any of my opinions that I share.
On that note, I bid you all goodnight.
It's time to recharge the batteries as you never know, we may well be facing another 'Manic Monday' very shortly
See you on the other side TeamTruthTellers