Just a suggestion can we stop using the porn star name she made up for herself for these threads .
It’s not , and never has been her name .
She’s called Sharon Brotherton from the Waterloo estate Essex . She clearly fantasised that she was a Krystal carrington or someone glamorous but instead is a racist , online beggar who lives in a specially adapted home in collier row . In her words “for those at the back “ I couldn’t care less about her wedding or any part of her life .
What bothers me is her having a platform where she lies , begs and uses racist remarks OFTEN .
Makes my skin crawl people referring to her as Sash ! She wishes that was her name , wishes that she
had the looks and energy to have any other name than common , boring big ol Sharon .
Mind you she did say locally in the pub she’s fondly referred to as “big nose Sharon “ her words not mine ,