You'd have to be a bit slow in the head to follow Gonzo wouldnt you lol. When you look back on Gonzo's life over the past 2 years on TT and her ever changing life stories, tripping herself up, her forgetting what she says one day to the next etc... the ones who noticed the inconsistencies and called her out for being a lying theiving conwoman are called bullies and trolls by the actual bullies and trolls yet they advocate the be kind movement. They can't see their own faults in any of this. Anyone who dares stand up for themselves and call Sharon out for her wrong doings to them in person are called liars. There are alot of people who have had actual dealings with Gonzo direct and this is what alot of people on tiktok and Fb seem to overlook. Gonzo has been a nasty deceitful
bleep ALL her life. Her goin on a social platform and bein in front of the masses have bought alot of her past enemies out in the open and are able to talk about their own personal experiences and expose Sharon for what she is.... a lying
bleep! That's not trolling that's speaking the truth!
She attended Francis Bardsley... it used to be known as
bleep House on the Hill
and she really is thick as pigs