Oh but come on ..I live for her contradictory statements..sometimes if you're lucky in the same post! Absolute howlers some of them too
her followers are too dumb/ scared to actually acknowledge them which makes it even funnier.
I thought Annemarie was the ultimate arse kisser but the Welsh wrestler is on another level..you go girl..we're loving your work
Now..onto the thought of the day
Day 5 of the hostage situation...Will Romper make it to boundary fence and escape from the hotel to experience Tunisia or willit be another day waxing lyrical about the hot sun
teepee. Or the beautiful hotel.
OR Maybe she's scheduled a fist fight with the Germans after last night's tete a tete.
In the Blue corner Germanys answer to Angela Merkel
In the Red..the Romper from Romford with a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp... so incensed after Germanys defensive tactics at Dinner last night
Tune in to zoom in on all the action later today