My belated thoughts on the sad belated Christmas vlog:
1. No one calls it a ‘Santa SnAcK ChAlLeNgE’ (Tell me you’re a washed up YTer without telling me).
2. The utter depravity that a four year old is asking Santa to ‘please click on this channel’… Also with the woeful offering of 1 sad looking lolly snake, 3 maltesers, and a cup of almond milk, I’m surprised Santa didn’t just vomit on the doorstep and leave.
3. Those Carols looked less like ‘Carols on the domain’ and more like ‘Carols at Jamestown’
4. Obvious kiwi o ad is obvious. And also obvious that the kids don’t actually play with the stuff. Also Sarah’s wearing an outfit that looks like it’s for inmates of a Centre for the criminally insane.
5. The Christmas pyjamas get put on in the morning? Ummm, isn’t the point that you sleep in them and wake up in them?
6. Again, Sarah’s pyjamas look like a hospital-issued gown donned before surgery.
7. Everyone seems so underwhelmed by their gifts and it’s funny. At least try to look excited of you plan to put it on YT?
8. Sarah dons a potato sack while preparing potatoes. Apt. And infinitely prettier than the pink saggy skin she wears later on.
9. Classic Narc gift - Sarah’s own ‘Cook (space) book’ for family
10. Sarah literally fake gags at a gift she receives…Because that’s how Christian MILFs show gratitude
11. Kurt playing some cup and ball game is the most thrusting he’s done all year.
12. Cousin is shown in the vlog against her parents’ apparent wishes. Nice one Sarah.
13. Kids improperly seated for the ride home.