Abby does 'nuggets' because she's constipated because of the disgusting kibble diet you feed her! You absolute selfish wanker! I'm going to have to post a photo of what I feed my dog to give this complete asshat an idea of how she should be feeding Abby. Please no some people can only afford kibble! That tit is expensive and horrible for dogs and the canned meat is disgusting! I can go to my butcher and buy $10 dollars of mince and it feeds her for a entire week or more, minced chicken for $6.00 at Coles, Turkey for $6.00 at Coles - She could even buy meat that's on special and freeze it! Prep on a Sunday. Chuck everything in a pan with frozen vegetables, especially pumpkin if she doing nuggets some rice if she had to, use takeaway containers, freeze it, take one out every morning ready for her meal. What shits me is that she has the time and the money to do this! Instead she's staring at herself in the mirror and making disgusting, watery shitpeka shakes! I'm struggling with the loss of my job due to covid, now studying. I had to sell most of my furniture also but I always make sure my dog is feed WELL! .....She's not annoying you wanker! duck! Imagine if she had to wash Abbys private parts like I have to do with my Dog everytime after she goes to the toilet! Argh. She thinks Abby stopping several times is annoying. Come and live with me for a week when you have to deal with a dog that runs away, hides and shakes because she's terrified of everything. There are no holidays for me, I never get a break, I have to find jobs close to home so i can come home during lunch breaks and other breaks. I haven't been away to "bYRoN" or anywhere in 9 years because my Dog cant be left with anyone. So upsetting for me personally to constantly hear this wankfest call Abby annoying and a pain when she has no idea how great Abby really is, but because she's a self absorbed narc with a rage/temper problem (she definitely has this) she wouldn't be able to recognise something great like her own Dog. You don't have a clue, witch.